Under the framework of the VFDM Project: “Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin”, regional workshops 1) summarizing the results of the trainings on “Nature-based Solutions” and recommendations for the development of concept notes on nature-based solutions for flood and drought management (04 and 05 July 2022) and 2 ) Training of the national and regional forecasters on VOLTALARM myDewetra Early Warning System are currently organized in Lomé Togo.
The first two-day workshop on Nature-based solution bankable project development is attended by various national focal points of the financial institutions or donors such as the Adaptation Fund, Green Climate Fund, Global Environmental facility together with the national representatives from the water resources services.
Following the first workshop, a three-day regional training workshop will be conducted on the VoltAlarm early warning system with the forecasters from the regional organization (Volta Basin Authority, WASCAL, ECOWAS, AGRHYMET) and meteorological and hydrological services of the Volta Basin countries. The training on the VOLTALARM EWS will be an opportunity for the participants to get knowledge on the available hydrological and meteorological observation and forecasting products and tools and acquire skills on the functionalities and usage of the VOLTALARM system for day to day monitoring of the climate change events.
The VFDM project is implemented by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Volta Basin Authority (VBA) and Global Water Partnership – West Africa (GWP-WA), technically supported by CIMA Research Foundation, IUCN Water and Land Management Programme, Italian Civil Protection Department, Knowledge and Awareness Mapping Platform and is funded by the Adaptation Fund.