Tool | Alterra | AlterrAqua |
Tool | Alterra | QUICKscan |
Tool | Alterra | SWAP |
Tool | Alterra | Waterwise |
Tool | Alterra | RichWaterWorld |
Tool | Alterra | Climate Atlas |
Tool | CEH | HYRAD – Hydrological Radar System for storm and flood monitoring |
Tool | CEH | River Flow Forecasting System (RFFS) |
Tool | CIMA | Flood-PROOFS (Flood-PRObabilistic Operational Forecasting System) |
Tool | CIMA | DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology) |
Tool | CIMA | RASOR |
Tool | DELTARES | Delft-FEWS: an open data handling platform for a flood forecasting and warning system. Essentially a sophisticated collection of modules for building a customised hydrological forecasting system. |
Tool | DELTARES | Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite (Delft3D FM) to simulate storm surges, hurricanes, tsunamis, detailed flows and water levels, waves, sediment transport and morphology, including interactions between processes. |
Tool | DELTARES | Wflow: completely distributed modelling platform which maximizes the use of open earth observation data, making it a powerful hydrological model for data scarce environments |
Tool | DELTARES | SFINCS: (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS): semi-advanced model which solves the physics of compound flood events in a computationally efficient manner. |
Tool | DELTARES | FIAT Flood Impact Assessment Tool, a flexible Open Source toolset for building and running flood impact models |
Tool | DELTARES | SOBEK: powerful modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimization of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, river morphology, salt intrusion,.. |
Tool | DELTARES | GLOSSIS: Global Storm Surge Forecasting and Information System provides real-time water level and storm-surge forecasts with global coverage |
Tool | DELTARES | Aqua Monitor: instrument operating on a global scale, to show where water has been transformed into land and vice-versa, with a resolution of up to 30 meters |
Tool | DELTARES | Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer is a web-based interactive tool which assesses river flood impacts by urban damage, affected GDP, and affected population across the globe. |
Tool | DELTARES | AST: Adaptation Support Tool, an interactive online tool to support urban planning and adaptation. |
Tool | DELTARES | Climate App: a free tool for simple and rapid access to climate adaptation measures. |
Tool | DELTARES | Probabilistic Toolkit analyzes the effects of uncertainty to any model including geotechnical and hydrodynamical Deltares applications |
Tool | DELTARES | CIrcle: touch table application (CIrcle tool) to helps stakeholders understand the complex and interdependent relations between critical infrastructure systems. |
Tool | DHI | MIKE Powered by DHI |
Tool | FICH | Software de análisis de frecuencia (AFMULTI ) |
Tool | FICH | Software para simulación hidrológica e hidrodinámica |
Tool | FICH | Software para simulación de transporte de contaminante en ríos |
Tool | FICH | Aplicación a la Cuenca del Plata del modelo Weather research and forecasting model (WRF) |
Tool | FICH | Modelo de nowcasting con imágenes de radar (prototipo) |
Tool | FICH | Modelo de balance de transporte de sedimento en ríos |
Tool | FICH | Software para relevamientos hidrográficos con ploteo a tiempo real sobre carta digital (IFANAV) |
Tool | ICHARM | Asia-Pacific Water Forum KnowledgeHubs: Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Management |
Tool | ICHARM | Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) – Flood Forecasting System Using Global data |
Tool | ICHARM | Rainfal-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) Model Program – Runoff Inundation Simulation for Hazard Risk Mapping and Analysis |
Tool | ICHARM | Flood Disaster Preparedness Indices (FDPI) |
Tool | IHE Delft | UNESCO-IHE Open Courseware |
Tool | IHP-HWRP and BFG | Floodlabel |
Tool | K&I | Societal issues related to vulnerability (from the analysis and measurement to citizens’ engagement) (forthcoming) |
Tool | K&I | Citizens’ empowerment in disaster management (flood first) based in concrete experiences in Europe and worldwide (forthcoming) |
Tool | Middlesex University | Multi-Coloured Manual:method and data for Economic Appraisal |
Tool | Middlesex University | CRAF: Coastal Risk Assessment Framework |
Tool | RwB | |
Tool | UNECE | Web-based platform for sharing of experience between pilot basins and basins in the “Global network of basins working on climate change” |
Tool | UNU-FLORES | Nexus Tools Platform |
Tool | UNU-FLORES | QGIS plugin for ESA Sentinel data on evapotranspiration |
Tool | WWF | Natural and Nature-Based Flood Management: A Green Guide (Flood Green Guide) |
Tool | WWF | HydroSHEDS |