National workshops for the co-designing and development of the regional flood and drought risk prevention and management strategy

The overall objective of the national workshops is to develop the regional strategy for flood and drought risk management in the Volta Basin through a participatory approach based on the consideration of the results and policy recommendations of the Volta Flood and Drought Risk Profile, various studies, knowledge and experiences of national and local stakeholders involved in disaster risk reduction and management in the 6 countries of the Volta Basin region.

The main products and results expected from the implementation of this activity are the following:

  • the methodological approach for the elaboration, validation and adoption of the flood and drought risk management strategy in the Volta Basin is validated by the national stakeholders;
  • good practices, gaps and major challenges for a substantial reduction of the said risks in terms of loss of human lives, damage to livelihoods and health of people, as well as to economic, physical, socio-cultural and environmental assets in the Volta Basin countries are identified;
  • proposals for the content of the different components of the flood and drought risk management strategy in the Volta Basin are developed ;
  • a draft regional strategy based on the harmonization of the contents proposed in the six national workshops is developed;
  • recommendations are formulated for a harmonious conduct of the process and an effective implementation of the strategy following its validation by the stakeholders and its adoption by the decision-making bodies of the VBA.

The workshops are taking place from November 2022 to January 2023 in the six countries of the Volta Basin. Today is the third day of the national workshop in Ghana. Workshops in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire have already been completed. Other countries are planned in December 2022 and January 2023.

For more information, have a look at the Concept Note and the Adaptation Fund project monitoring mission using this link
