Faculty of Engineering and Hydrological Sciences (FICH) of the Universidad del Litoral

The Faculty of Engineering and Hydrological Sciences (FICH) of the Universidad del Litoral has worked in cooperation with APFM since 2011, with FICH assisting APFM in the delivery of training workshops on IFM in Latin American countries (such as Paraguay in 2011, Mexico in 2013 and 2014, or Cuba in 2015). FICH also constitutes for APFM an entry point to the network of RALCEA, a programme funded by the European Union to create a Latin American Network of Centres of Excellence in Water to facilitate direct collaboration and information exchange between scientific institutions in Latin America.

Learn more about FICH.

Cooperation with APFM:

  • Watershed management
  • Integrated management of groundwater
  • Risk management and hydrological disasters
  • River hydraulics and engineering
  • Hydrological simulation (surface and groundwater)
  • Warning systems and hydrological forecasts
  • Climate change and variability
  • Drought Management