
Short name: HEC-ResSim

Long name: Hydrologic Engineering Center Reservoir System Simulation

Model type: Single events or continuous; single reservoir on a single stream to a highly developed and interconnected system.

Usage: Short to medium range operation of multiple reservoirs for a common downstream control, including storage balancing, planning studies for evaluating proposed reservoirs in a system, flood management, low flow augmentation, water supply, detailed reservoir regulation plan investigations, real-time decision support, extreme storm events and continue to manage under extreme drought

Background: HEC-ResSim is the successor of HEC-5 developed to aid engineers and planners in predicting the behavior of reservoir systems in water management studies, decision-making process that reservoir operators must use to meet operating requirements for flood control, power generation, water supply, and environmental quality downstream of the reservoir. It represents the physical behavior of reservoir systems with a combination of hydraulic computations and hydrologic routing. The system composed of junctions, routing reaches, diversions, and reservoirs to build a network capable of representing a single reservoir on a single stream to a highly developed and interconnected system. ResSim streamflow hydrographs input can be integrated with HEC-HMS Hydrologic Modeling System for the real-time operation application. The first version was released in 2003. The current version was released in 2021. Further developments are in progress to enhance other modeling capabilities.

Developer: Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Modules: Watershed Setup, Reservoir Network, and Simulation

Channel routing: Lag & K, modified puls, Coefficient, Muskingum, Muskingum-Cunge 8-pt, Muskingum-Cunge prismatic, SSARR, Working R&D Routing.

Reservoir Routing: Accounting method, surcharge routing, emergency releases

Reservoir operation: Specified release, storage-discharge curve, outlet structures.

Shortwave radiation: N/A

Longwave radiation: N/A

Precipitation: external variable, not computed by the model

Evapotranspiration: external variable, not computed by the model

Snowmelt: external variable, not computed by the model

Infiltration: Seepage and leakage: external variables, not computed by the model

Surface runoff: external variable, not computed by the model

Baseflow: N/A

Input data: Inflow data, stage, physical and operational characteristics of dam and reservoir: storage, curves of height, area, volume, evaporation rate, leakage rate, operation location, index level, outlet capacity, control point data.

Integrated Suite of Software Tools: Reservoirs operations can be simulated using HEC-ResSim or as part of an integrated suite of software tools (CWMS – Corps Water Management System and HEC-WAT – Watershed Analysis Tool). Basic data required are physical and operational characteristics of dam and reservoir

Input format: HEC-DSS file format, programming API available.
For maps: ArcView® Shapefiles, ArcInfo® DEM files, AutoCAD® DXF files, USGS Digital Line Graphs (DLG) files, USGS DEM files, ASCII NET TIN files and raster images.

Input time interval: Options range from 1 minute to daily, with automatic linear interpolation to the simulation time interval.

Optimization: No Optimization method in current version

Data Assimilation:

Ensemble: None at this time

Uncertainity: Not provided in current version

Simulation Time Interval: Minutes, hours and day

Model Output Time-Series: Reservoirs storage, elevation, controlled release and uncontrolled spill parameters; Regulated, unregulated and cumulative local flow; Regulated, unregulated and cumulative local stages;
Hydropower: generation efficiency, power head, hydraulic losses, energy generated, plant factor; Gate opening.

Time-Series format: HEC-DSS file format, programming API available

Model Output Statistics: Reservoir level, average, minimums, maximums, volumes necessary for showing mass balance, comparisons to observed data

Statistics Format: Summary Statistics/Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Installation: Easy – Automatic installation package

User Education: BSc

Degree of Difficulty: 3

GIS support: External with ESRI ArcMap

Data Preparation: External with HEC-DSSVue

Parameter Estimation: None at this time

Model Calibration: Editors (to change parameter values)

Model Verification: Nash-Sutcliffe, percent bias, RMSE standard deviation

Hardware Requirements: Pentium III (or equivalent) processor or higher with more than 4GB of RAM is recommended to improve compute times and data visualization performance.

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10

Language of Core Code: Java, with some Fortran

Open Source: No

Last Update and Version: February 2021 (Version 3.3)

Next Update and Version: Version 3.4)

Active Development Community: Yes

Download URL: https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ressim/downloads.aspx

Free to Download and Use: Yes

Language of Software Interface: English

Online Support URL: https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/support_policy.aspx

Training Material URL (including example data sets): https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/training/materials.aspx#RESERVOIR_SYSTEM_ANALYSIS_WITH_HEC-RESSIM

Language of Trainings: English

Guidance Material URL (including case studies and benchmarking of performance/speed): https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ressim/documentation.aspx

Language of Guidance: English

References: Klipsch, D.J., Evans, T.A., 2009. Reservoir operations modeling with HEC-ResSim, Hydrologic Engineering Center. US Army Corps of Engineers Davis, CA 530–756.

Google Scholar currently lists 590 journal articles, proceedings, reports, manuals, and other documents.

Developer: US Army Corps of Engineers

Mailing Address:
Department of The Army
Corps of Engineers
Institute for Water Resources
Hydrologic Engineering Center
609 Second Street
Davis, CA 95616-4687

HEC Phone: +1 530.756.1104

HEC Fax: +1 530.756.8250