
About us

The Associated Programme on Flood Management supports countries in the implementation of Integrated Flood Management (IFM) within the overall framework of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to maximize net benefits from the use of floodplains and to minimize loss of life and impacts. It provides a set of tools and publications to support in the management of floods, with particular focus on the “Last mile”

During the life-span of the programme, several achievements have been accomplished:

  • We have consolidated, promoted and applied the concept of Integrated Flood Management (IFM)
  • We have disseminated the concept and core aspects of IFM in more than 130 countries, within more than 450 institutions around the world, and through our website reaching more than 330,000 views[1] since 2007 (representing almost 5,000 hours of browsing inside the APFM site)
  • We have provided capacity-building trainings/workshops on IFM throughout the world. Since 2007, we have imparted 40 workshops in 27 countries, training more than 1000 participants
  • We disseminate information in 6 international conferences/meetings each year
  • We have developed 24 publications (a.k.a. IFM tools) that provide guidance on specific elements of IFM
  • We have established a network of circa 30 partners (ranging from country meteorological services, to universities and private sector) around the world with expertise in different fields related to water and flood management
  • We have implemented/are implementing pilot projects on IFM in 18 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and South & Central America. Among the main topics are community-based flood management, transboundary flood management, and integrated approach to flood and drought management
  • The success of the programme has inspired the development of the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), which focuses on drought-affected regions and deals with water scarsity issues in an integrated way.
Countries where we have provided workshops and/or trainings
Tools developed in IFM aspects
Countries where we have implemented pilot projects
Support Base Partners around the world


Workshop on Mexico's National Programme on Flood Prevention in Mexico City, Mexico


Workshop on Delta Flood Management in Bangladesh


Community-based Workshop for Nepal

Dniester Basin

Transboundary Project in Dniester Basin

Volta Basin

Workshop on IFM for West-African countries


Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastal regions

Thailand and Lao

Community-based Approaches to Flood Management (CBFM) in Thailand and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic